Intuitive Threads - an exploration of the nature and role of intuition in the creative process through Saori and intuitive approaches to weaving.
Soari weaving is the core element of my Intuitive Threads research and development project. In my first blog post for this project, I wanted to look at and collate some information about what Saori weaving is and to identify aspects that interest me about its approach and ethos. This is a starting point for me to gather information on the broader context of Saori before getting started on experiencing it practically through the workshops I will be attending with Amanda Edney at Beautiful Cloth Saori Studio.
What is Saori Weaving?
Saori is a type of weaving that originated in Japan in the 1960s. It was founded by Miaso Jo and developed further by her son Kenzo Jo. The story is that Miaso Jo was weaving an Obi (belt) and noticed a flaw in the weaving. She liked the design that it made but discovered it would be considered as flawed by manufacturers who will only accept a ‘perfect’ cloth. This led her to develop her ideas about the difference between humans and machines, and to developing a style of weaving that embraced the unstructured, the unplanned, the accidental and the human in the creative process. Soari weaving has a core philosophy and the four main principles are;
Consider the differences between a machine and a human being
Be bold and adventurous
Let’s look out through eyes that shine
Inspire one another, and everyone in the group
Soari is an accessible form of weaving with specialised portable Saori hand looms. They have only 2 shafts so only plain cloth can be woven, this means no complicated lifting plans to create patterns as in other forms of weaving. The weaving process is freestyle therefore more open to the experience of flow and experimentation.
Saori instructors must have trained in Osaka, Japan at Saori headquarters, only then are they authorised to have licensed Soari studios and sell Saori looms and equipment. This is an interesting model as it keeps the ethos of Saori true to its origins but has also allowed it to spread globally with studios around the world including Japan, Asia, North America, Canada and Australia. There are five registered Saori studios in the UK who come together as Saori UK.
Things that interest me about Saori
It has a core philosophy
Freestyle handweaving without rules and restrictions.
Designed to be accessible to all
Idea of the beauty of lack of intention
Encourages free expression and creativity
Values self-expression over technique.
Minimal planning
Creative decision making in the moment
Encourages the idea of flow
Intuition is valued in the person and the process
It’s related to Zen Buddhist Spiritual philosophy
Believes all people have the ability to be artists
Embraces the natural beauty of unintended “mistakes”
Has a social, inclusive and community ethos
Embraces and encourages irregularity
Has a practice of making unique garments
I’m really interested in experiencing this approach first hand. I attempted to bring a ‘no mistakes’ policy to my weaving last year and I found it really challenging. It goes against my original training and personal perfectionist tendencies. I not only want to learn about and develop skills in Saori weaving, but I want to see where and how I can translate these principles to other parts of my creative practice. I also want to explore what it means and feels like to turn over my creative process to intuition and self expression and to explore what it means to be in a state of flow whilst making and to make spontaneous creative choices whilst being open to whatever the final outcome might be.
If you are interested in following my progress throughout this project, please follow me on my blog and Social Media; Instagram @ameswibs, Twitter @amiwib.
Sources and Links
Saori Studios UK
Saori UK - UK's Registered Saori Studios
Beautiful Cloth Saori Studio - Warwickshire - Amanda Edney
Wayward Weaves - Gloucestershire
Freeweaver Saori Studio - London
Saori Worldwide
Saori Global - Full list of Saori studios worldwide
Dyeing to Weave - Victoria - Australia
Loop of the Loom - New York - USA
HanDen Studios - Georgia - USA
Ready to Hand - Philadelphia -USA
Shuttles and Needles - Channi - India
Saori Weaving - Selvedge Magazine
Louise Cook, Saori Weaver - From out of the Blue Studio Gallery
Fabric, Fibre & Thread. Until September 26th 2022. Part II Louise Cook – Saori Weaver
Saori Weaving: 6 Things You Need to Know - Japan Objects
Saori Weaving: Striving for Irregularity - Garland Magazine
Intuitive Threads is a personal research and development project by textile artist Amie Wiberley. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
Amie is a textile artist and holistic and creativity coach. Find out more at Sign up to the mailing list here.